
Carika Celapi Ps501- Papaya Fermented Food (3g×40 sticks)

Item Number:7111
Price:12,960 YEN
≒ 86.17 USD

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Carica Celapi Ps501 is a 100% natural health food made by patiently fermenting wild papayas.

Papaya has been called “golden tree of life” and has been a favorite substance
from ancient times. Carica is produced from papaya by excellent world renowned
Japanese fermentation technology.
Carica Celapi Ps501 is made from unripened papayas which have been selected
carefully. After taking the skin, seed and juice from the fruit without oxidation,
they are fermented and ripened, then dried naturally.
There is no process of extracting just one component or chemical treatment.
Also there are no additives such as vitamins or calcium.
The manufacturing process is natural and holistic.
Is a 100% natural food, so from a pregnant woman with confidence to the infants, elderly persons, are available.

Carica Celapi Ps501 is a highly popular supplement for keeping up your energy every day.

-Quantity: 90g (3g ×30bags)
-Adult 1-4 bags/day
-You can take on an empty stomach before going to bed
- Do not take any drinks before and after 30 minuits to eat it

We recommend it for these kinds of people:
(1) Those worried about buildup of free radicals in their body
(2) Those who often eat meat
(3) Those whose skin has recently lost its tightness and glow
(4) Those who want to maintain their health
(5) Those who work long or stressful hours at work


This is a regimen that incorporates such concepts as Zen, Feng-Shui, Yin Yang and Tao. These concepts unify the essence of Japans spirituality and outlook on the Universe.. The purpose of the Macrobiotic Asia website is to bring together products from Nature''s bounty as well as processed products and deliver them to the world in the Japanese spirit of harmony.

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