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No. 00100519 Bamboo・Goma-shio-Ume Pickled Perilla-40g 327 YEN ≒ 2.16 USD Sesame with the refreshing flavor of Ume pickle... |
No. 00100404 314 YEN ≒ 2.07 USD Bamboo sesame salt. A resource of power from th... |
No. 00100016 Low temperature processed Sea Salt 200g 740 YEN ≒ 4.89 USD Taste the Sea Slowly crystalised at low te... |
No. 00100015 Low temperature processed Sea Salt 100g 490 YEN ≒ 3.24 USD Taste the Sea Slowly crystalised at low te... |
No. F00200 1,080 YEN ≒ 7.13 USD Using the salt waters that flow from the myster... |
No. MU10429 3,240 YEN ≒ 21.40 USD 100% Izu Oshima-Japan origin seawater. Useful f... |
No. MB3564 Umi no Sei Red Label (value pack)3kg 6,000 YEN ≒ 39.62 USD Izu-Oshima-Japan origin seawater 100%. Concentr... |
No. MU10416 Umi no Sei Red Label (Large)500g 1,296 YEN ≒ 8.56 USD Izu-Oshima-Japan origin seawater 100%. Concentr... |