Other Beverages
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No. 00100408 Japnese Oolong Tea-Organic-70g 960 YEN ≒ 6.14 USD Flower-like aroma and mellow tasting Oolong tea... |
No. 00100222 Yellow Ume Plum Cordial (710ml) 1,663 YEN ≒ 10.64 USD Ripe plum syrup with golden honeyPitted yellow ... |
No. 00100432 550 YEN ≒ 3.52 USD Domestic buckwheat with deep umami taste. Boile... |
No. MU22259 540 YEN ≒ 3.46 USD Traditional Hokkaido Umekonbu-cha Ume konbu-... |
No. 00300028 [40%OFF]Ginger Powder for Drink or Cooking "Ultra Kintoki Ginger"(60gx5bags) 3,500 YEN ≒ 22.40 USD Kintoki ginger has specific spicy taste on it... |
No. 00300027 [40%OFF] Ginger Powder for Drink or Cooking "Ultra Kintoki Ginger" (60gx3bags) 2,220 YEN ≒ 14.21 USD Kintoki ginger has specific spicy taste on it... |
No. 00300026 [40%OFF]Ginger Powder for Drink or Cooking "Ultra Kintoki Ginger" (60g×1bag) 748 YEN ≒ 4.79 USD Kintoki ginger has specific spicy taste on it... |
No. 00100013 420 YEN ≒ 2.69 USD Traditional Amazake, made by the sweetness of m... |
No. 00101276 Smooth Brown Rice Amazake 250g 510 YEN ≒ 3.26 USD Traditional brown rice Amazake, with the sweetn... |
No. MB3183 1,944 YEN ≒ 12.44 USD Freshly squeezed juice of grapes in Iwate, Japa... |