
Premashanti Wheat bran Somen noodles

Item Number:00101612
Price:540 YEN
≒ 3.59 USD

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Bran-infused somen noodles made from wheat grown in Kumamoto without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers

This bran-infused somen has a rich, sweet flavor and a smooth, smooth texture.
Chikugoizumi" wheat, grown without chemical pesticides or fertilizers in Kumamoto's fertile soil with clean water and fresh air, is ground into bran-infused flour that retains its rich aroma and wheat flavor by a method that has been used since the Edo period in flour mills that do not over heat the wheat.
The sweetness and deep flavor of the wheat is addictive.

Wheat (wheat, bran) (Chikugoizumi from Kumamoto), salt (sun-dried salt)

Shelf life before opening from the date of manufacture: 2 years
Storage method: Store at room temperature away from direct sunlight, high temperature and high humidity.

Cooking method:
Sprinkle somen noodles (200g) into boiling water and boil for 2 to 3 minutes until the desired firmness is reached, using chopsticks to loosen the noodles.
After boiling, quickly remove from the water to a colander and rinse under running water.
Each bag contains enough for 2 servings.

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