
Genki☆Gaman (Source of Energy and Patience) 120g (2g×60 packets)

Item Number:HF9100
Price:3,800 YEN
≒ 25.27 USD

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Enjoy the new habit of taking various minerals and fermentated Calcium L-lactate with your meals everyday.

Ingredients: Calcium lactate (fermentation Calcium L-lactate) 90%, saline lake water10%

How to take: Since it doesn’t have any particular flavor or smell, you can add to soup as well as any other dishes or drinks like tea and juice.


Precautions for use:
- When adding to foods, please make sure to keep the total amount under 1% of the dish as a whole.
- Avoid adding to milk or dairy products. The quality of Genki☆Gaman will remain the same, however milk protein and moisture may separate.
- Once opened, please consume immediately regardless of the expiration date.
* A portion of the proceeds from this product will be used to support Prema Foundation’s North East Japan reconstruction supporting activity.

What is “Genki☆Gaman”?


Genki☆Gaman is made from vegetable origin carbohydrate using fermentation methods with the action of lactobacilli. Natural and safe calcium with high absorbency made from vegetable.

This calcium is highly soluble in water and it’s water solubility is 3800 times higher than that of calcium phosphate made from beef bone powder and 6800 times higher than that of calcium carbonate made from oyster shell and such. Since it is soluble in water and its calcium will be all ionized by its nature, it will not be eliminated from the body more than is necessary like other type of calcium but be quickly absorbed.


What does L-lactate mean?

All lactobacillus within our bodies are L-lactate and as human beings we can only metabolize L-lactate. L-lactate is commonly known as “lactobacillus made from natural products.”

What can you tell about its safety?

L-lactate is highly biocompatible, officially approved and recommended safe, ideal form of calcium by the FAO. The WHO has also declared that that the amount of intake does not need to be restricted unlike DL-lactate made from petroleum. In addition, it is produced and thoroughly checked at an ISO 9001 (International Standard of quality management and assurance) certified factory.

Can we supplement calcium with little fish and/or milk?

Little fish have a lot of calcium but their calcium is calcium phosphate and most of it will be eliminated from body.

Milk by itself is also full of nutrients and calcium, however the enzyme to digest milk decreases with age and becomes difficult to digest and absorb. Thus, there is a strong possibility particularly among elderly people that they may consume more fat and protein than their body requires if they drink a lot of milk.

[Column] Series : About calcium and our health >>

Radiation Measurement Report

【measured by Macrobiotic Asia】

measurement conditionmeasurement result
product numberHF9100・HF9101measurement ID00075
product nameGenki☆GamanI131(Iodine131)Not Detected(ND)
measurement dateMay 16, 2012Cs134(caesium134)Not Detected(ND)
measurement second3600 secondsCs137(caesium137)Not Detected(ND)

・measuring machine:AT1320A(2.5" x 2.5" NaI scintillator) made in Belarus
Spectroscopic screening, Recording and analysis software are made in Japan

・detection limit:value given by the manufacturer is 3.7Bq/Kg. Any amount below this will be regarded as "Not Detected (ND)".
Moreover, if it does not show at each peak position in the Spectroscopic analysis, it will also be regarded as "Not Detected (ND)".

・sample amount:this machine needs 1 liter per sample.

・installation location of the machine:Shimogyo-chu Kyoto, Prema Village Kyoto


This is a regimen that incorporates such concepts as Zen, Feng-Shui, Yin Yang and Tao. These concepts unify the essence of Japans spirituality and outlook on the Universe.. The purpose of the Macrobiotic Asia website is to bring together products from Nature''s bounty as well as processed products and deliver them to the world in the Japanese spirit of harmony.

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