
Kome Koji 〜Miso Amazake Starter〜

Item Number:00100336
Price:1,250 YEN
≒ 8.31 USD

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Kome koji (malted rice) for miso, amazake, or shio koji making.

We made Koji (malted rice) using nutritious rice being grown in healthy soil. This natural taste of koji is good for making amazake (sweet fermented rice drink), shio-koji (salted rice malt), and miso. Using 100 percent of domestic non-glutinous rice growing up according to natural rhythm of the earth without using chemical fertilizer, chemically synthesised agrichemical, or chemical herbicide.

In the cold period, we recommend you to make homemade miso using carefully selected ingredients such as natural sea salt and organically cultivated soy bean. You can also make your own salted rice malt or soy sauce rice malt by being fermented slowly. You can make home made amazake when you add water into leftover rice and keep it warm over a night. You can easily arrange fermented foods at home by using this dry malted rice.

[For making your own miso]
You can make about 1.7kg of miso with 500g of malted rice.
Using the same amount of soy bean as malted rice and 200g of salt as a guide.
[How to make Shio koji (salted koji)]
Ingredients/ malted rice: 200g, water: 300g

  1. Put malted rice into bowl and add salt there, mix it well.
  2. Displace into airtight stopper such as container
  3. Leave it for about one week to ten days at room temperature to age it. Then it is ready to eat.

* When the room temperature get higher, glycation gets active and then it may cause the separation of koji and water. So we recommend you to stir it twice in the morning and evening. In case the temperature gets high such as summer time, we recommend to keep in refrigerator.

-Best before date: 360 days
-Quantity: 500g
-Ingredients: non glutinous rice (domestic)

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