Rice & Grains

We cultivate very carefully, in organic way, some of the most tasteful rice in Japan, such as Sasanishiki with plain flavor, Koshihikari characterized with its sweet and sticky taste. We are handling also a variety of coarse cereal, such as sprouted brown rice full of life, domestically grown ancient rice, pearl barley containing ingredient to make the skin beautiful.

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[1 - 10] of [17]

No. F00016

Sweet rice (brown rice) 2kg

1,782 YEN ≒ 11.77 USD

No agricultural pesticides or chemical fertiliz...

*Out of stock

No. 00100067

Organic Pearl Barley

678 YEN ≒ 4.48 USD

Rich in fiber, light tasteIn rich nature of Kum...


No. 00100066

Pressed Barley-Organic-

599 YEN ≒ 3.96 USD

Rich in fiber, light taste and popping textureI...


No. 00100065

Organic Green Rice

1,425 YEN ≒ 9.41 USD

"The lost of the rice" green rice. Hard to find...


No. 00100064

Organic Red Rice

1,359 YEN ≒ 8.97 USD

Organically cultivated red rice with beautiful ...


No. 00100063

Organic Black Rice

1,359 YEN ≒ 8.97 USD

Organically cultivated black rice with wild tas...

*Out of stock

No. 00100061

Organic Kibi Millet

998 YEN ≒ 6.59 USD

Sticky texture and rich sweetness, organic cult...

*Out of stock

No. 00100114

Pressed Barley

419 YEN ≒ 2.77 USD

Mild thickness Rich in both water-soluble and n...


No. 00100112

Sweet Awa Millet

675 YEN ≒ 4.46 USD

We are sorry that this item is out of stock, an...

*Out of stock

No. 00100111

Sweet Kibi Millet

595 YEN ≒ 3.93 USD

Thick taste and yellow color, Sticky texture, R...

[1 - 10] of [17]
Macrobiotic.. This is a regimen that incorporates such concepts as Zen, Feng-Shui, Yin Yang and Tao. These concepts unify the essence of Japan's spirituality and outlook on the Universe..  The purpose of the Macrobiotic Asia website is to bring together products from Natures bounty as well as processed products and deliver them to the world in the Japanese spirit of harmony.
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