
Sesame Seed Oil NAYOBIKA, (light taste)

Item Number:00101756
Price:873 YEN
≒ 5.80 USD

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Most user-friendly and is a sesame seed oil that is suited to call sesame seed oil.

The oil was used the high quality sesame seeds roasted to just the right degree, has mellow taste and aroma. When you use its delicate and light aroma in dishes, it will turn to a distingue good tastethe lasting after eating. You can use it for adding a little good flavor, no matter Japanese or Western or Chinese dishes, also good for Stir-fry dishes and dressings. Not too strong, also not too light, but good degree of taste and aroma, be added to any dishes, will bring the dishes best flavor.

Not only pressed by the traditional sesame oil pressing method, but also used the original method that is created to retain the original flavor of sesame seeds, fused the traditional pressing method that was hand down through many generations together with modern production equipments from the strage of ingredients to the pressing, the filtration and precipitation by static condition, and use "Washi" (Japanese hand-made paper) as filters etc.

-What does "Nayobika" mean?
"Nayobika" is an archaic word in Japanese, meaning refine and delicate in appearance and supple of the touch.
This product was named because of its beautiful golden color and distingue delicate taste.

-Ingredients : Edible sesame seed oil
-Best before date: 2years
Standard of Prema Shanti® product
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